Wednesday, July 31, 2019

August 2019: Justice

I recently had the joy of reconnecting with friend and colleague Stephanie Burns. She and I first connected about four years ago when I attended her Surviving and Thriving event that created a space for survivors to share their stories and art.
These days, Stephanie has launched a new project, Healing Courage. As a part of this project, she is hosting Consentric Circles (a play on the word consent and concentric) to bring people together in conversation because she, just as I do, believes that healing and social change occurs via powerful, heartfelt, authentic conversations.
I recently attended one of her circles, and as I stood with other women and explored topics such as what impact the trauma had on us heart, body and mind, what responses we got (or didn't get) from our family and community, and what experiences we had navigating the "justice" system, I was most impacted by this final topic.
I reflected on my own experience navigating this desire for something like justice. My grandfather was never taken to court. It wasn't even explored as an option, and he died about a year after the abuse ended.
Because of this, the "traditional" method of obtaining justice through a court trial and some sort of punishment wasn't an option.
Because of this, my personal definition has evolved over time as I've wrestled with this and is the following:
"Justice is to live my life to the fullest, to reclaim all that I am that he tried to steal away, and to embrace each new opportunity to be the woman I am meant to be.
Justice is every client who reclaims his/her life too."
For me, the most important word there is "reclaim".
Ultimately, I believe justice is about a journey of reclamation, and there are many roads that can lead to this. I was particularly excited to learn more about transformative justice (you can read more about this in the link below!).
Now, as it happened, a few days later, while watching season 7, episode 4 of Orange Is the New Black, the main theme was crime and justice!

I was profoundly moved by the closing monologue,
"Often we don't have the capacity to deal with the chaos of life. Often there is no way to prepare for its shocks and blows. But if we are perpetually turning away from the things that are too hard to face, we are defining ourselves by what we are seeking to avoid. No one escapes this life without experiencing pain or injustice. And some people are dealt far more hardship than others. If you feel like there's no way out, if you feel hopeless, like no one cares, how do we restore justice in a world that is profoundly unfair? What do we do when we reach the place when we don't know what to do? There's no easy answer. Punishment is not the answer. Giving up is not the answer. We have to find our own answers and that can feel like its beyond our strength. But all we have to do first is try."

To trying,

Watch this powerful video in which a woman and the man who assaulted her share the stage to discuss their journey to reconciliation!

Read more about transformative justice.

What's your definition of justice?

My Beautiful Detour offers practical strategies for individuals and unexpected tools for the families of trauma survivors, helping communities build new, limitless futures. The book includes numerous “trauma insights,” and is enriched with humor, art, poetry, and useful takeaways for readers. Reading one woman’s heroic adventure through trauma, recovery, and discovery of new directions in healing the body and the mind is an empowering tale of not just getting through, but thriving.

August Topic: Self-Care
As children most of us did not receive the kind of nurturing, love, acceptance, encouragement, and comfor we needed from our families. We may tend to care for ourselves in the same way that our families cared for us - in a negligent or even abusive fashion. We will explore what self-care is like as adults, both emotionally and physically.

Learn More & Register Here

Unifying Voices Against Violence & Abuse


24th International Summit

on Violence, Abuse & Trauma Across the Lifespan
September 4-8, 2019

San Diego, California

I will be speaking Friday morning. Hope to see you there!

Registration Now Open!

October 25-26, 2019

Orlando, Florida

I am so excited to be presenting at this year's Courage Conference, which offers a unique opportunity to learn from survivors, advocates, and trained professionals through inspiring keynote talks and workshops. We connect attendees with reputable local and national organizations and make space for valuable connections. The Courage Conference is an ideal place for survivors, advocates, community leaders, and faith leaders to become educated about abuse from advocates who confront it and survivors who live with its effects every day. It is our goal that everyone leaves empowered to live the most courageous life possible.