April is Child Abuse Prevention month, and has been since 1983. I was seven years old when this month became equated with a time to pause and reflect on the current status of our country (world) with regard to child abuse.
At this age, I was likely being abused but only have vague memories (it wasn't until I was 10 years old that I started experiencing abuse consciously).
This past December, I turned forty. Thirty years later after my first full conscious experience of abuse, my life has changed in ways that I could never have dreamed of.
But, on a broader scale, there is still much work to be done to raise awareness, increase prevention, and create global healing for those who have been abused.
This feels like a very big job some days!
Yet there are amazing organizations (here's one: https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/preventing/preventionmonth/) and amazing people (too many to list!) who are taking a stand each day to bring this issue out into the light and to make sure that more and more people are able to recognize abuse and take steps to protect children from ongoing harm.
There are still many cracks in the systems that are meant to protect children, but today, I'm feeling encouraged as I see more and more people becoming advocates, healers, peer counselors, speakers-- there is a clear refusal to sit down and be quiet!
Today, I want to encourage you to consider one small thing you could do in your network of family, friends, and/or community to help increase awareness.
One suggestion is to share this series of interviews on how to teach children about sex, preventing sexual abuse, and more!
In solidarity,

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