Happy March! I am sitting outside enjoying some much needed sunshine (it's been rain, rain, and more rain here in San Francisco lately). And just as I sat down to write my note to you this month, my two cats came blazing through the backyard in a game of chase - clearly enjoying a bit of spring fever.
Now the older cat, Sable, is pretty sly and immediately heads to a safe spot behind a nearby bush, but the younger one, Bandit, decides to hold his ground firmly out in the open. Eventually, he got bored and flopped down on the warm earth. And as soon as he let his guard down, whoosh! Sable pounced!
What came to mind as I watched this play out is how I used to believe that this is how relationship worked! You chase, pursue, scurry after the thing you want and then as soon as you let your guard down - bam - hurt again, betrayed again, left again.
It has been a journey for me to learn to leave these negative patterns behind so that I can enjoy a healthy, fulfilling relationship, free of all of the fear, and being ever watchful for pain.
I share a bit about how I did that in this interview I did recently with Melanie Tonia Evans. I hope you'll check it out and perhaps find some freedom from your own relationship "madness".
Watch Now!
Very best,

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