I love Disney movies! My absolute favorite is Alice in Wonderland, but a close second is Mary Poppins. And I recently had a "me" day and decided to settle in with some popcorn and the newest version of this classic.
I was happily going along watching the film, until my gaze landed on the cluttered coffee table in front me. My heart began to beat faster.
“Look at all this stuff! What a mess.” 99% percent of the clutter was something of my dear sweet man's.
I paused Mary Poppins, and I got curious.
"Why does his stuff being all over the table cause such an extreme physiological response?"
And a thought arrived, "Because I'm placing value on my things and not on his."
And so I took another look at the table and the objects transformed.
The screwdriver from something that should be in the garage to a tool that he used while sitting in the same spot as I am now, to fix his guitar so he can access his voice and music, and so I can hear and enjoy the music he plays.
The lighter from an object that should be in a drawer to the source of fire so he can light the candles.
The lap sized whiteboard with his chicken scratch that should be a on a wall, became sacred text ... his thoughts as an artist about how he sees himself, what he wants his art to communicate about life, our connectedness, and our humanity ... this becomes the most precious object in the whole room.
And with that, like two hands snapping together, what was his became mine, what was mine became his, and they had equal value.
And my heart stopped racing and filled with peace.
With a sigh of relief, I un-paused Mary Poppins Returns and not two minutes later, she schooled me and drove the point fully home!
Watch this video below to see what I mean...
One of the things I'm constantly going on about with my clients is the importance of checking the lens you are using to view yourself, others, even the world. And this day, I got a friendly reminder to check myself in this area of my life!
This weekend, I'll be speaking at the Institute on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma about how important focus is and how we can use the power of focus to transform ourselves and heal from trauma. I may have to start my talk with an Ode to Mary!
To shifting perspectives,


Read more about how the frames we use impact they way we see things.


Dr. Arden culls the latest findings in neuroscience, cognitive psychology, gerontology, and many other sciences and puts them all together into a smart, actionable, science-based plan. Basing his conclusions on cutting-edge research, Dr. Arden has broken down the vast amount of confusing and sometimes conflicting brain data into the five crucial Brain Bible factors you need to be mindful of:

August Topic: PTSD & Memories
PTSD is an anxiety disorder that is directly related to exposure to abuse and experiences of intesne fear, helplessness, or horror. We will discuss PTSD, symptoms, how memory is impacted and how to overcome PTSD.
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