The result is this video in which we:
* Share our stories of trauma and how we got to where we are today
* We each share about the healing modalities that have made the biggest difference for us - NLP for Contessa, Neuroscience/CBT for me
* We share some of our favorite strategies for dealing with triggers and negative thoughts
* We discuss our personal take on what it means to be healed
Check it out!
Here's a bit more about Contessa:
“Do you have a plan?" asked the lady on the other end of the phone. Sitting on the couch, my babies were climbing up my legs, smiling, patting me; I was gazing straight ahead, I was so numbed out that I didn’t even realize my husband called a suicide crisis hotline for me.
Up to that moment I had been a victim. I experienced a wide range of abuse in my entire life. At six years old, I was raped by a stranger, a rape that was facilitated by my biological mother and where my half-sister guarded the door. I was betrayed by the very people who were supposed to protect me and hold me dear.
The initial abuse led to the next abuse and the abuse after that. I attached myself to guilt instead of anger, shame instead of resentment, responsibility instead of blame. The world had taught me no one could be trusted, no one could be counted on, and no one would be there for me when I needed them most.
From a young age, I had been in counseling, attended group meetings, read the self-help books, been called to the school's counselor office, joined the military, moved around the world. None of that made any difference. I was still in pain and super frustrated.
In that instant of hearing that questions, “Do you have a plan?” I had a thought that occurred that wasn’t about just me and my pain, I considered my kids just might get hurt. Killing myself would be betraying them just my biological mother betrayed me. I knew the pain that they would have to endure. So, I made a decision. I was going to be honest with myself. Being honest was me opening the roadmap to a new possibility.
Up to that moment I had been a victim. I experienced a wide range of abuse in my entire life. At six years old, I was raped by a stranger, a rape that was facilitated by my biological mother and where my half-sister guarded the door. I was betrayed by the very people who were supposed to protect me and hold me dear.
The initial abuse led to the next abuse and the abuse after that. I attached myself to guilt instead of anger, shame instead of resentment, responsibility instead of blame. The world had taught me no one could be trusted, no one could be counted on, and no one would be there for me when I needed them most.
From a young age, I had been in counseling, attended group meetings, read the self-help books, been called to the school's counselor office, joined the military, moved around the world. None of that made any difference. I was still in pain and super frustrated.
In that instant of hearing that questions, “Do you have a plan?” I had a thought that occurred that wasn’t about just me and my pain, I considered my kids just might get hurt. Killing myself would be betraying them just my biological mother betrayed me. I knew the pain that they would have to endure. So, I made a decision. I was going to be honest with myself. Being honest was me opening the roadmap to a new possibility.
Connect with Contessa:
To healing,

P.S. Contessa is this month's guest blogger! So be sure to pop over to each Wednesday to learn more from Contessa!
To healing,

P.S. Contessa is this month's guest blogger! So be sure to pop over to each Wednesday to learn more from Contessa!

Read this to learn five brain exercises that will strengthen your mind.

Internationally recognized Parenting Expert, Madeleine Davis brings together 30 top experts to contribute their best strategies in their area of expertise to help mothers be the best they can be so they can get inspired, find answers, begin to take action and see results! AND, my colleague, Janine Naus, is the featured expert on grief and trauma relief.

June Topic: Growing Up
Growing up is difficult to do when the natural progression of developmental steps is derailed by childhood sexual abuse. As survivors, growing up ends up happening as part of the larger healing process we go through as adults, long after the sexual abuse is over. We’ll talk about what it’s like as a survivor to grow up later in later, to recognize “developmental delays” in ourselves, to connect these with the abuse, to go through the mourning, and to learn to become self-loving, empowered adults.
Learn More & Register Here

October 25-26, 2019
Orlando, Florida
Learn More & Register Here
Unifying Voices Against Violence & Abuse
24th International Summit
on Violence, Abuse & Trauma Across the Lifespan
September 4-8, 2019
San Diego, California
Mark Your Calendar! Registration Coming Soon!
San Diego, California
Mark Your Calendar! Registration Coming Soon!

October 25-26, 2019
Orlando, Florida
I am so excited to be presenting at this year's Courage Conference, which offers a unique opportunity to learn from survivors, advocates, and trained professionals through inspiring keynote talks and workshops. We connect attendees with reputable local and national organizations and make space for valuable connections. The Courage Conference is an ideal place for survivors, advocates, community leaders, and faith leaders to become educated about abuse from advocates who confront it and survivors who live with its effects every day. It is our goal that everyone leaves empowered to live the most courageous life possible.
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