Happy 2018!
It's inevitable as we turn the corner into a new year, that we will reflect upon our journey so far (the wins and losses), and we will look ahead to the future and try to crystallize for ourselves some vision of what might come.
Underlying this ability (and ultimately willingness) to look ahead is hope. Without hope, we fall into despair or resignation.
I've been thinking a lot about this lately, as I've been rereading "Hope: The Art of Living" by Stan Van Hooft with one of my clients. I came across one of my favorite quotes again that I'd like to share with you:
"There is always a gap between our intentions and the achievement of what we intend, which our efforts may not overcome. There is always the possibility of failure. Our intentions cannot bridge the gap. We do not have complete control over our circumstances. Accordingly, our hope bridges the gap."
This quote always takes me back to my early 30s, when I was at the edge of hope and despair and a decision was on the horizon. Give in to resignation or not.
I had made some great strides in my healing, but ultimately, when I looked at my life, I couldn't see a future that was meaningful or fulfilling. I couldn't find the joy in living, the meaning or purpose of it --I was seriously stuck!
And then, as often happens in my life (I guess it's the English major in me), I sought out guidance from literature and came across Van Hooft's book.This was the beginning of my new relationship to hope, my deeper understanding of it as being at the root of all change, healing, and transformation.A year later, I was testing out the first Beyond Surviving group for women!So, ultimately, I share this story with you today as my greatest hope for you is that you press on -- even in the face of failures and unknowns, even when it seems it's all pointless -- you never know what might be right around the corner waiting for you.Perhaps 2018 is your year to break free, to reclaim your life, and to move forward into a new journey that isn't just about recovering from the past but is about painting a future that brings you joy. And so I leave you to step into this new year with another quote:"Hopefulness is an essential ingredient of joyfulness. To live life with joy is to be able to project the promise of a hopeful future for oneself and for others. Life is full of surprises. The hopeful person sees this as a source of joy while the pessimist sees it as a threat. The pessimist fears the new and the strange, while the hopeful person accepts and delights in it. In this way, hopefulness becomes a constituent of courage, trust and tolerance as well as of joy and love."To a hopeful 2018,

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