"I just wish I didn't have a body."
When I heard Ananja say this, I immediately understood. I was transported back to a time in my life when I had to cut in order to even feel like I was real, because I spent so much time "outside" of my body.
I was reminded of times in my life when my inner voice was constantly blaring negatives like, "You're gross, you're too fat, nobody will ever want you."
And I remembered the battles with food -- eating and not eating. Being regimented and then giving up. Tying my value and worth to whether I had "eaten well" that day or not.
Today, I want to introduce you to Ananja who shares in this video, openly and in a real way, what survivors of abuse often feel about their bodies.
While this is a woman sharing about her experience, there is no doubt that male survivors of abuse go through many of the same body image and connection/disconnection issues that Ananja shares about in this video.
Every survivor I have ever met has got something going on with their body, relationship to food, health. And that's okay -- it's normal, it's understandable, and it can change!

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