Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 2016: Happy Holidays!

Wishing You a Happy Holiday and New Year!
As I reflect today on how 2016 has unfolded, there have been some really amazing things happening in my business (I'll share more about that in a sec), but what really stands out to me is the power of friendship and family.

I'm so very thankful to the people who have walked alongside me this year and brought so much joy and laughter and support into my day to day. I had some great adventures this year: attending concerts (Gwen Stefani, Javier Colon, Rascal Flatts, Sheila E.!), took some time out for restoration at Wilbur Hot Springs with my honey, hiking with friends, made my first trip to Canada, traveled to Maui to spend Thanksgiving with family, and goofed off on the beach with my former hip hop crew.

As I think about these experiences, I'm also very present to a time in my life when things didn't feel so abundant. When I felt alone and isolated. When despair had a daily grip on me and made laughter a chore.

This makes these moments all the more meaningful for me. And it's also why I feel blessed everyday to get to support others in transforming their lives in similar ways.

This year:
  • Over 100 people completed the Beyond Surviving Program and are now doing wonderful things like traveling the world, getting engaged, starting the career they've always longed for, excelling at self-care, and healing others.
  • I interviewed some amazing folks for the Beyond Surviving Podcast including Terry Cranford, Woody Haiken, Rae Luskin, and so many more!
  • In collaboration with Eve, a Beyond Surviving graduate, we created a special podcast segment, Transforming Trauma, in which she shares her truth and perspective and dives into topics that might otherwise be avoided!
  • With the help of a dear friend, we gave my website a brand new look and I did a Facebook Live Scavenger Hunt that was super fun!

Looking to 2017, I am branching out and taking on some new projects! Here’s what I’ve got in mind for the New Year:
  • Further develop programs for medical professionals about screening for abuse;
  • Continue my efforts with CSA Survivor Force in raising awareness about sexual abuse;
  • Serve as an advisor in the development of a game that helps survivors process their feelings;
  • Launch more group programs for men;
  • … and even more!

Most importantly, I want you to know that I couldn't have done any of it without your amazing and ongoing support. I’m in an incredible community and hope that you have been touched, inspired, and healed by something we shared this year.

So, with deep gratitude, my wish for you is that your holiday and 2017 are filled with joy, love, laughter, and strength.

With much love,

* Lahaina, Maui

* Rascal Flatts Concert!


Monday, October 3, 2016

October 2016: Is your brain broken?

Recently, I had the good fortune of connecting with Dwight Hurst, the host of The Broken Brain podcast. In case you didn't know -- I love the brain! And I love what understanding the brain can teach us about how we can heal from abuse.

To my joy, Dwight asked me to be a guest on his podcast and we had a fabulous time discussing my own experience of healing, what it takes to recover from sexual abuse, and a few techniques that I use to help people work through the recovery process.

I hope you'll check out my episode and subscribe to the podcast as he is really sharing some great stuff!!


A Beyond Survivor shares her story of healing, "I thought [the abuse] was so serious that I was just broken and couldn't be fixed ..."

What qualities do you think makes a hero? Here are some real life heroes! www.snapnetwork.org/real_life_heroes

If you could challenge one persisting negative thought today, which one would it be?


The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog
by Bruce Perry

"... post-traumatic stress disorder is not signaled by a constellation of new symptoms that develop long after a stressful event but is, in many regards, the maladaptive persistence of the once adaptive responses that began as coping mechanisms in response to the event itself."


This is a donation based group and no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

I am so happy to bring you this innovative and effective support program designed specifically for adult survivors of physical, sexual, and/or emotional child abuse or neglect, bringing them together within a nurturing and supportive community.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September 2016: Do you ever feel like a prisoner in your own body?

"I just wish I didn't have a body."

When I heard Ananja say this, I immediately understood. I was transported back to a time in my life when I had to cut in order to even feel like I was real, because I spent so much time "outside" of my body.

I was reminded of times in my life when my inner voice was constantly blaring negatives like, "You're gross, you're too fat, nobody will ever want you."

And I remembered the battles with food -- eating and not eating. Being regimented and then giving up. Tying my value and worth to whether I had "eaten well" that day or not.

Today, I want to introduce you to Ananja who shares in this video, openly and in a real way, what survivors of abuse often feel about their bodies.

While this is a woman sharing about her experience, there is no doubt that male survivors of abuse go through many of the same body image and connection/disconnection issues that Ananja shares about in this video.

Every survivor I have ever met has got something going on with their body, relationship to food, health. And that's okay -- it's normal, it's understandable, and it can change!



How would you describe yourself physically? Do you think you'd be fair or exaggerate your flaws. Watch this video to see what happened for these folks when they were asked to describe themselves to a sketch artist.

Want to learn more about how trauma impacts and is stored in the body? Read more.

If you could speak to your body today, what healing words would you say? What part of your body would you show love to?


The Gifts of Imperfection
by Brene Brown

Each day we face a barrage of images and messages from society and the media telling us who, what, and how we should be. We are led to believe that if we could only look perfect and lead perfect lives, we'd no longer feel inadequate. So most of us perform, please, and perfect, all the while thinking, What if I can't keep all of these balls in the air? Why isn't everyone else working harder and living up to my expectations? What will people think if I fail or give up? When can I stop proving myself?


This is a donation based group and no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

I am so happy to bring you this innovative and effective support program designed specifically for adult survivors of physical, sexual, and/or emotional child abuse or neglect, bringing them together within a nurturing and supportive community.

Monday, August 1, 2016

August 2016: Reclaiming Our Voices


Be quiet.

Don't tell.

Whether we are explicitly told to keep quiet or we make this choice out of fear, confusion, or shame, the impact of being silenced is huge.

I remember distinctly the feeling of suffocation. Words trapped at the back of my throat. When asked how I was doing or what I wanted for breakfast, these words would sting and cry out as I replied instead, "I'm fine. Pancakes please."

When my mom discovered my grandfather abusing me one day, she and my father immediately got him out of our home. And I am so thankful for that, because I know not all victims of abuse receive that kind of support.

So, here it was -- my chance to speak up, to be heard, to tell my story -- but I couldn't. And I wouldn't really talk about the abuse until my early twenties when I finally entered therapy.

Now, years and years later, I share my story everyday with my clients, through my podcast, and trainings. 
And each time I tell my story, it's another step of freedom. It's a refusal to be ashamed, scared, hindered, suffocated by the past.

Today, I want to encourage you to reclaim your voice. To speak your truth (even if just to yourself). To find one trusted friend to bear witness to your journey.

And, if you'd like, you can share your story with me!


Do you suffer from the challenges & burdens of staying silent? This video is inspirational... women speaking out. Watch now.

Child Sex Abuse Survivors Speak Out: "I'm Ready to Say It: I Was Abused". Read more.

If your wounds were words, what would they say? Sometimes giving a voice to those hurts is a powerful way to release the pain.

The Happiness Project
by Gretchen Rubin


“Happiness experts point out that merely making and sticking to a decision is a source of happiness, because it gives you a feeling of control, efficacy, of responsibility.” 


This is a donation based group and no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
I am so happy to bring you this innovative and effective support program designed specifically for adult survivors of physical, sexual, and/or emotional child abuse or neglect, bringing them together within a nurturing and supportive community.

Rachel Grant, M.A. Counseling Psychology
Sexual Abuse Recovery Coach

"What you think, you create"

Thursday, July 7, 2016

July 2016: Taking a Time Out from "Adulting" - Let's Play!

Today, I want to share with you a quote from one of my favorite books, Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul, by Stuart Brown:

"I have found that remembering what play is all about and making it part of our daily lives are probably the most important factors in being a fulfilled human being. The ability to play is critical not only to being happy, but also to sustaining social relationships and being a creative, innovative person."
I had Brown's book on my shelf for quite some time and grabbed it as an afterthought when packing for my trip to Australia a couple of years ago. I was off to visit Heal for Life, a retreat center established by the fabulous Liz Mulliner.

I had the joy of participating in her five day program for survivors. Today as I was pondering play, the inner child, innocence - one particular day from that trip came to mind: party day!

Complete with dress up, kid food (my favorite of which was a slice of white bread filled with flavored cereal!), music, dancing, and plenty of time to roam about and goof off -- 
this day we were given permission to set aside "adulting" and to just follow our instincts. 

When I returned to my cabin, grinning and restored, I was reminded that I had packed Brown's book! I love when the universe brings it all together. I devoured this book -- he hit upon the importance of play, connection with the inner child, how abuse impacts the brain and how play can help us heal!

One of my favorite things he points out is that while parents and mentors are pivotal in shaping us, 
"the self that emerges through play is the core,authentic self."

I know that inner child work is so key for survivors and so I share this with you today in the hopes that you will allow yourself for the next day, or even if just an hour, to set aside all of your adult fears and anxieties and hang ups and baggage and just allow yourself to explore, follow your instincts, giggle, enjoy something silly and not worry if anyone is watching.

I know something magical will happen!


Check out this Inner Child Guided Mediation. Watch now. (trigger warning)   

3 TIPS for healing your inner child after sexual abuse: reconnecting, forgiving and healing. 
Read more.

I've heard it said, "The creative adult is the child who survived." What's one thing you can do today to unleash your creativity?


Affirmations for the Inner Child
by Rokelle Lerner

“In order to end this cycle of suffering, we must embrace our inner child at whatever age and stage it shows itself to us.” 


Hey folks, there is still time to get in on this series! Registration for the encore ends July 7th! Don't miss it! 

This is a donation based group and no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

I am so happy to bring you this innovative and effective support program designed specifically for adult survivors of physical, sexual, and/or emotional child abuse or neglect, bringing them together within a nurturing and supportive community.

Rachel Grant, M.A. Counseling Psychology

Sexual Abuse Recovery Coach

"What you think, you create"