Wishing You a Happy Holiday and New Year!
As 2018 comes to end, I wanted to send a note of gratitude to YOU!
When I started this journey back in 2007 in a little room with just two women, I had no idea the path that was set before me to travel. I had no idea how much developing this program and running a business was going to demand of me. I also had no idea how rewarding and fulfilling it would be to work with clients everyday, supporting them in restoring their lives.
As I reflect on this journey, I am very present to the fact that I could not have accomplished any of this with out your support and encouragement. So above and beyond anything else that I'd like to share with you today, the most important thing I want to say is...
When I started this journey back in 2007 in a little room with just two women, I had no idea the path that was set before me to travel. I had no idea how much developing this program and running a business was going to demand of me. I also had no idea how rewarding and fulfilling it would be to work with clients everyday, supporting them in restoring their lives.
As I reflect on this journey, I am very present to the fact that I could not have accomplished any of this with out your support and encouragement. So above and beyond anything else that I'd like to share with you today, the most important thing I want to say is...

For those of you who have been following me for awhile, you know that every January I pick a theme for the year. My theme for 2018 was "GROWTH" -- and man was this ever a case of be careful what you wish for!
Here are just a few ways that I've grown this year:
- I presented at the #MeToo Moves Forward Conference and the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests Conferencealong with doing various live workshops in the Bay Area. Stepping out in this big way has definitely been an opportunity to develop new skills, face new challenges, and experience what it's like to stand in front of a room full of survivors and tell my story and share my perspective on healing. I'm looking forward to doing more live workshops and presentations in 2019!
- I was able, due to the growth of my group and one-on-one work, to transition my 28-Day Boot Camp for the Brain self-study program into a pay what you can program so that this foundations course is now even more accessible. www.rachelgrantcoaching.com/bootcamp
- Based on the prompting of some of my graduates, I developed a newBeyond Surviving 2.0 Group Program for Graduates that will launch in January 2019. I am excited to take on this new level of work and way of working with my graduates.
- I successfully launched a Beyond Surviving Group Program for Men and am looking forward to running this program again in April 2019. www.rachelgrantcoaching.com/group-program-men
- I hired the first ever Beyond Surviving Coach, Jocelyn, who works with group members to support them in more fully integrating what they are learning in the program (and so much more!). This was probably one of the biggest stretches for me this year as it was a bit like handing over my baby to someone. Yet, this was also one of my favorite ways that I grew this year as it was a first step towards expanding the impact and long-term endurance of Beyond Surviving.
Each year brings with it more surprises, challenges, and opportunities, and as I turn the corner and start my 12th year in business (say what!?), I am so curious to see what 2019 will bring!
With deep gratitude, my wish for you is that your holiday and 2019 are filled with joy, love, laughter, and strength.
With much love,


One such organization is The Human Awareness Institute (HAI Global), a 50-year-old organization dedicated to producing life-changing workshops and trainings for individuals looking to transform and to experience more connected, intimate relationships.
Every human being is worthy of love, without exception. At HAI, they walk alongside you as you explore the possibilities of a life of your choosing — a life enriched by self-acceptance, love, and a deep sense of belonging.
I highly recommend you check them out and if you're in the Bay Area, participate in their next introductory workshop, Connecting in Love, February 22nd – 24th, 2019 at the Wildwood Retreat Center in Northern California.

In Soaring Above the Ashes: Thriving Beyond Childhood Sexual Abuse, a diverse group of survivors tell their stories in their own voices. They describe the journey from helplessness to empowerment, from isolation to connection, from grief to joy. By giving their names, telling their stories, and showing their faces in black and white portraits, these men and women defy the perpetrators who could not shame or threaten them into silence. These individuals are proud of who they have become. Between the stories are essays Dr. Samuelson wrote about her own healing journey as a survivor who recovered her memories and as a psychologist who has specialized in treating trauma for over 35 years.
Upcoming Events
Now Enrolling...
Join Sexual Abuse Recovery Coach, Rachel Grant for this down-to-earth
and transformational group program!
My Beyond Surviving Program is my in-depth program of live coaching calls and support that teach you how to finally be free of the past and move on with your life.
It's for you if you want step-by-step support to reliably and consistently navigate life with clarity and ease.
This program is designed for all types of survivors who are sick and tired of going around the same mountain over and over again and who want to learn specific tools and skills for transforming their lives.
In the Beyond Surviving program, I've combined what I have learned through my own journey of recovery from sexual abuse, my study of neuroscience, my training in counseling psychology, and my experience working with hundreds of clients. I have included every lesson, exercise, worksheet, client example, and training module that has made a difference for me and my clients into this program.
We use my guidebook, Beyond Surviving: The Final Stage in Recovery from Sexual Abuse, as the roadmap through seven modules that address the critical areas of life that are impacted by abuse.
It's for you if you want step-by-step support to reliably and consistently navigate life with clarity and ease.
This program is designed for all types of survivors who are sick and tired of going around the same mountain over and over again and who want to learn specific tools and skills for transforming their lives.
In the Beyond Surviving program, I've combined what I have learned through my own journey of recovery from sexual abuse, my study of neuroscience, my training in counseling psychology, and my experience working with hundreds of clients. I have included every lesson, exercise, worksheet, client example, and training module that has made a difference for me and my clients into this program.
We use my guidebook, Beyond Surviving: The Final Stage in Recovery from Sexual Abuse, as the roadmap through seven modules that address the critical areas of life that are impacted by abuse.
Feeling embarrassed and scared to talk about your past? If so? Then it's time to learn from experts on how to find courage, comfort and strategies.
Breaking the Silence Summit is a virtual 5-day event that will show you NEW and PROVEN ways to heal and and move past the trauma in your life.
Join us in the Breaking the Silence Summit: Healing Childhood Sexual Trauma hosted by Janine Naus. It officially starts on December 3, 2018.
Click here to register now -