It's so important, as we continue to evolve the #metoo movement, that we consider the stories of male survivors. So this year, I've been making a pointed effort to speak to more men about the abuse they have experienced across the span of their lives.
It's been so amazing to connect with Johnnie Calloway, who shared his story of being abused by his step-mom, Matt Pappas who talked about navigating the sometimes overwhelming journey of healing, Dolan Mayeda who explored how he overcame shame, and Patrick Bennet whowrote about his experience of being abused by a priest.
Beyond that, I've read the many posts shared by men in my Healing from Sexual Abuse Facebook group. I've joined forces with Male Survivors United to support them in their efforts to create safe spaces for men to come together in community. I also completed my second group program for men and was so inspired and blown away by the way these men came together and the powerful healing work they did.
What has become clear to me is that we still have a lot of work to do to make sure that male survivors have access to resources, are taken seriously and are not ostracized or pushed to the edges of a movement that I believe needs to embrace all stories of trauma. This will require that we overcome our social biases towards men (check out the video below to see what I mean!).
And while there is plenty of work to do, I am also encouraged to see more and more men coming forward, especially celebrities who are using their fame to open up conversations, such as Shia LaBeouf, Tyler Perry,Tim Roth, Junot Diaz, and most recently Terry Crews.
If you are a male survivor and are looking for resources, please go hereand also feel free to reach out to me if there is anything I can do to be a support to you.
For my female readers, I want to encourage you today to keep an eye out in your community for the men who may be silently suffering. We know that 1 in 5 men have experienced sexual abuse - so it's likely there is someone in your community who you have more in common with than you might think!Healing for all,
