Wednesday, October 25, 2017

November 2017: Gearing up for the holidays!

Happy November folks!

I know as we turn the corner into the final months of 2017, I am first of all astounded by how quickly this year flew by. I'm also very much aware of how this time of year begins to bring up so much for people as the holidays approach and navigating family relationships during this time can be a huge strain, particularly for survivors of abuse who not only have to deal with the usual stressors but are often trying to navigate gatherings where an abuser might be present.

This is no small feat to tackle and one of the many reminders that those of us who have experienced trauma must continute to generate courage, groundedness, and positivity in the midst of some really challenging situations.

Today, I wanted to share with you an interview I did with Anne Cuthbert on how to end emotional eating and survive the holidays. Finding positive coping strategies is so key during this time.

You can check out that interview here:

And as always, if there is anything I can do to support you during this time -- I'm here!


Watch Kati Morton discuss how to overcome the fear of intimacy.

Read about three quick tests you can do right now to assess your level of anxiety, depression and PTSD.

What are some positive things you can do as the holidays approach to nurture and comfort yourself?


Healing My Life: From Incest to Joy
by Donna Jenson
In chronicling the physical and spiritual steps she took to reclaim her life and peel away the layers of damage done by incest, Jenson has written a powerful narrative of one person’s healing journey. And though the subject matter is deeply serious, Jenson writes with her sense of humor firmly intact, reminding us that joy is possible in the face of great pain. Poignant, brave, and helpful, Healing My Life offers a much-needed testimony for anyone affected by or concerned about childhood sexual abuse.
You can also check out the guest blog series Donna did last month here.

November's Theme: Re-Enactment

This is an issue we all need to be aware of as survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Re-enactment is about the unconscious drive in all of us to master our traumatic experiences and triumph over the past. And it is possible to become caught up in behaviors that re-enact the experiences we had as children of dysfunction, poor care, exploitation, and shame.

NOTE: We will meet on Tuesday, November 28th instead of Monday for this month

Learn More & Register Here

Did you miss this Master Class?!

If so, you can still get the mp3 in which I share with you the keys to unlocking the cage of fear and anxiety so that you can finally do the things you love and obtain the things you want in your life.

Get the mp3

Rachel Grant, M.A. Counseling Psychology
Sexual Abuse Recovery Coach
"What you think, you create"