Monday, June 5, 2017

June 2017: Finding time to stand in the sun...

It's June, and I'm so glad it is -- though San Francisco is generally refusing to get in line with my dreams of sunshine and BBQs (typical!).

But today is gorgeous!  So, I'm gonna run out and take advantage of the sun while it lasts, but first, I want to share with you a recent interview I did with David Van Nuys, host of Shrink Rap Radio. We cover a lot of territory in this interview, so I hope you hear something that supports or inspires you today and brings a little "sunshine" into your life!

Watch here:

To enjoying the little gifts of life,

Watch this video to learn how childhood trauma can affect your health.

Read this article to learn more about foods you can eat every day to beat depression.

What is one small thing you can do today to take care of you, improve your health, or get moving?

Emotional Yoga: How the Body Can Heal the Mind
by Bija Bennett


  "a broad range of simple body-mind techniques that can positively affect our emotional well-being, including the dynamic interplay of movements, breathing exercises, meditations, lifestyle skills, rituals, gestures, and healing sounds."


June's Theme: Family

As survivors of childhood abuse, family can be a continuous problem.
In the same way that our families might have failed us as children, they so often fail us again as adults.

Learn More & Register Here