So they say we all get 15 minutes of fame. Well this past month, I used up 3.5 of my minutes to appear on Fox 2 News to raise awareness about sexual abuse.
You can check it out here:
It was a great honor to be able to speak about this issue to the general public. Though, to be honest, it also feels like a small drop in the bucket. I'm not minimizing the experience and I'm hopeful that what I said helped someone, but I am also extremely aware these days of how much of an epidemic this issue is.
Last month, I also appeared on United Intentions Radio and spoke with the host about a variety of things -- including what we can do to better address this epidemic.
Some days, this issue feels as overwhelming as the anger, PTSD, shame, and confusion that I felt years and years ago. I find myself always coming back to something my mom said to me: "Rachel, honey, you can't save everyone, but you can do something for the one person in front of you at any given moment."
Today, instead of cutting myself and curling up in a ball, I'm appearing on radio and tv shows (it's a bit surreal at times). And because of this, I remain inspired that we can face this, we can overcome this, we can heal. In fact, we have to!
For every one of us who has been hurt by the bullshit, harmful choices of an abuser, we must fight, we must heal -- because there will be someone, someday who will look to us to be his or her guide out of the pain.
To broad and deep healing for all,
