Well hello 2017!
I know for many of us, 2016 was rough, and I am certainly keen to look ahead and see what this next year of life brings with fingers crossed that we find more balance and peace as individuals, communities, and the world as a whole.But I'm guessing that 2017 will come with it's own surprises, challenges, and both beautiful and ugly moments.I sometimes marvel at the tenacity of us humans. With so much unknown and unseeable, we forge ahead, we find a way to remain optimistic and hopeful, we continue to love, take chances, and push forward with our goals and pursue our dreams.
I love that!
And as someone who has the joy everyday of working with survivors who find a way to do this in the face of past trauma - I am all the more inspired.Today, if you are feeling hopeful, I want to encourage you to cast your vision for 2017 and to get clear about what you want to create!If you're feeling less than hopeful today, I get it - I've been there. If there is anything I can do to support you, I'm just an email away. With love and hope,
